Tuesday, March 30, 2004

This Topic Again

Huuhmm.. I'm baaacckkk :D. Start to write again and wonder if someone ever read it :p.. huhuuhhu, but no probs, I'll keep writing again and again anyways :D..

Huuhmm, skarang lagi baca Eleven Minutesnya Paulo Coehlo... Hohohohoh, buku ini menarik dan inspiring banget lhoo.. meskipun aku belum baca sampe habis *rebutan ma si Wardah sie :p* tapi dari awal udah menarik... Jadi ceritanya itu tentang seorang cewek lugu dari Brazil, namanya Maria in the search for adventure and love.. trus karena dia sering sakit hati dan dikecewakan oleh cinta.. dia menganggap kalo cinta wasnt made for her and that she wasnt made for love either... Tapi segimanapun dia janji sama dirinya sendiri dia nggak akan jatuh cinta lagi dan gimana cinta itu penuh dengan despair, tapi toh dia tetep jatuh cinta :p... Huhuhuhuuh, dasar si mbak Maria ini :D.
Yg nyenengin dari buku ini ituh, kata2nya mudah dicerna, dan menarik :D.. kata2nya touchy dan mengena... Huhuhuhuuh, buku ini udah di rakku lamaaa banget *punya si Niken* tapi nggak pernah aku sentuh.. Huhmm, rugi abiss.. baru kemaren si Wardah merasa nggak ada kerjaan dan berpikir knapa nggak baca aja.. dan ternyata, she picked the right book :D

Sejauh yg aku baca... ada satu kutipan dari diarynya dia yg aku suka :D.. Ini pas waktu dia udah berhasil kerja di Geneva, tapi akhirnya dia keluar dari kerjaannya dan berusaha jadi foto model, instead of going back to her country with nothing... Dia tetep pengen pulang dengan berhasil...
So.. pas dia ngerasa so low.. ngerasa nggak kuat lagi... dia nulis sesuatu untuk menenangkan dirinya sendiri di diarynya... Dan dia nulis...

I spent today outside a funfair. Since I can't afford to fritter my money away, I thought it best just to watch other people. I stood for a long time by the roaller coaster, and I noticed that most people get on it in search of excitement, but that once it starts, they are terrified and want the cars to stop.

What do they expect? Having chosen adventure, shoulndt they be prepared to go the whole way? Or do they think that the intelligent thing to do would be to avoid the ups and downs and spend all their time on a carousel, going round and round in the spot?

At the moment, I'm far too lonely to think about love, but I have to believe that it will happen, that I will find a job and that I am here because I chose this fate. The roaller coaster is my life; life is a fast, dizzying game; life is a parachute jump; its taking chances, falling over and getting up again; its mountaineering; its wanting to get to the very top of yourself and to feel angry and dissatisfied when you dont manage it.

It isnt easy being far from my family and from the language in which I can express all my feelings and emotions, but, from now on, whenever I feel depressed, I will remember that funfair. If I had fallen asleep and suddenly woken up on a roaller coaster, what would I feel?

Well, I would feel trapped ad sick, terrified of every bend, wanting to get off. However, if I believe that the track is my destiny and that God is in charge of the machine, then the nightmare becomes something thrilling. It becomes exactly what it is, a roller coaster, a safe, reliable toy, which will eventually stop, but while the journey lasts, I must look at the surrounding landscape and whoop with excitement.

Ngerasa nggak sie, kalo kata2nya dia ini pas banget....... well, as for me, it is.
Ayooo.. mariii!!! Main Roller Coaster dan merasakan hidup... hohohohoohho :p *btw, SixFlags dah buka belom ya??? :D


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