the position

Anybody knows this movie?
Huhms.. lupa kapan pertama kali notice ada film ini. Surely itu pasti sama niken. Mungkin pas kita lagi asiek nonton sumthin on sumthin channel, trus trailer film ini muncul, and in a heart-beat. We know that we're gonna love this movie.
1. Its because Maggie Gyllenhaal. She is beautiful, but more than that, she has a strange face. Dont ya think? :P
Unique, smart, strong performances, charming and most of all, she has a cute brother.. Hohohoho ^0^
2. Because the story itself. Pertama kali liat trailernya, yg pertama kali muncul diotakku "woow, cool.. another SM movie with a twist"
SMnya sendiri udah bisa bikin aku terus nyari tau soal film ini, tapi pas baca salah satu resensinya di IMDB, hbaru nyadar ternyata its more than that. Its a romantic comedy, about two weird-in-their-own-way people, yg menemukan satu sama lain dan bergabung dalam keanehan yg serupa, namanya cinta *yeowch* that'spretty cool. That line make me fall deeper for this movie.
3. But wait, I dont really like romantic comedy with all those fairy tale and comic story and all the happy endings. So Disney! Hehehehe, tapi pas liat all the "position" hehehehe, ternyata memang I love this movie!
Trus, dari kapan gitu, disaat gundah gulana dan stress melanda, aku nyari film ini di setiap *well, not di setiap* di dua videotheek. Pertama di videotheek deket admiraal tempat biasanya aku nyewa, sama satunya lagi deketnya mercatorplein. Nyadar sie pas nyari di Admiral Videotheek itu film ini nggak akan ada. Udah sering ditanyain, but tetep maksa dan berharap ada.. hehehehe :p
Yg disatunya ada, cuma bukan dvd, tapi video.
Huhms.. pengennya sie minjem dvdnya trus di copy dan dilestarikan.. huhuhuhuhuhu ^o^
Pi sayang skali sampe skarang belom nemu...
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