
To resist is to piss in the wind. Anyone who does will end up smelling. Knowing this, why do I defy? Because my inner voice is yelling. There is a fist pressing against anyone who thinks something compelling. Our intuit we're taught to deny and our soul we're told is for selling. Get out from under them resist and multiply! Get out from under precipice and see the sky! Get out from under them. Resist, unlearn, defy! Get out from under precipice and see the sky!
aih serem bgt deh.
habis halal bi halal itu, aku ktm ma temenku di kampus, ternyata dia lg ngerjain sudoku**** (bintang 4 coba!)
ak skarang malah barusan aj maen yg sudoku bintang 3.
yg bintang dua udah bosen ^0^
sebenerny malah menyegarkan ken maen itu ;)
ak lebih suka maen gameny dari buku daripada ol =/
mbulet soalny.. ngga bsa oret2 =p
Hai Pus,
Di Indonesia kok Sudoku sepi-sepi aja.
Kamu ikutan dong.
Biar rame.
salam sudoku
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