Friday, February 24, 2006
About Me
- Name: aRin
- Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands
Days like this, I don't know what to do with myself all day -- and all night I wander the halls along the walls and under my breath I say to myself I need fuel -- to take flight And there's too much going on but it's calm under the waves, in the blue of my oblivion Under the waves in the blue of my oblivion Is that why they call me a sullen girl -- sullen girl They don't know I used to sail the deep and tranquil sea But he washed me shore and he took my pearl -- and left an empty shell of me
padahal lucu yahhh mbakk
designnya ce bangett...
ga smartnya kenapa? :D
dont get me started on that!
Um.. apa ya?? :D
1. itu antenanya suka error kalo misalny ketutupan tangan (asli! bkan karena providernya dodol)
2. Ngga bisa make memory stick, jdi ngga bisa nympen banyak data disitu.
3. Ngga bisa lihat phone logny langsung. Musti ke menunya.
4. Aplikasiny dikit dan ngga penting -__-". ada converter baju :p
5. Trus parah banget kalo lagi nelp di saluran telpny suka kdengeran suara orang lain. Kaya misal saluran telp bocor d indo gitu (ASLI!)
6. Kalo make camerany hasilny suka kebalik2, tapi ngga ada fungsi buat beneriny. biasany di nokia lain khan ada.
dan lain2 :p
heheheh.. pi emang bagus sie bul. I mean, designny so oriental gitu, makany ak suka :D
dan yg bikin cinta tuh coverny :D, smacam phobe holder gitu. kalo beli didalamny ada ituny :D. ehehehhehehehehehhehehehe
yeahhh, it's simply because the phone is BLONDEEEEE dan aga2 budeg telpnya :D muahahahhaha :D
tapi dari luar dia cantik...
yachh, namanya juga blonde :D
well.. not all blonde phone r stupid. for example my old nokia 3650 yg mbuh knapa juga blonde. dia lebih tua sie, tapi cantik juga dmasany dia dulu dan masih lebih smart dibandingin nokia 7370 ini. mungkin karena 3650 lebih tua.. jadi lebih wise kali yaaa..
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