Thursday, December 09, 2004

Re-Constructuring My Universe/Re-Universing My Structure

Untuk itu.. perlu lagu penyemangat

Brand New Heavies - You Are The Universe

You're the future, and you've come for what is yours
The hidden treasure, locked behind the hidden doors
And the promise of a day that's shiny new
Only a dreamer, could afford this point of view

But you're a driver, not a passenger in life
And if you're ready, you won't have to try 'cause
You are the UniverseAnd there ain't nothin' you can't do
If you conceive it, you can achieve it
That's why, I believe in you, yes I do

You're a winner, so do what you came here for
The secret weapon, isn't secret anymore
You're a driver, never passenger in life
And when you're ready, you won't have to try 'cause

You are the UniverseAnd there ain't nothin' you can't do
If you conceive it, you can achieve it
That's why, I believe in you, yes I do

You are the UniverseAnd there ain't nothin' you can't be
If you conceive it, you can achieve it
That's why, I believe in you, and I believe in me
(Yes I doBelieve in youI do)

You're a driver, not a passenger in life
And when you're ready, you won't have to try 'cause

You are the Universe...

Yaps2... lagu pengiringnya udah bener... Lagi not in the mood ngerjain tugas dan kayanya lagi dapet mental breakdown akhir2 ini... Pusing mikirin semuanya sekaligus, but what can I say.. Its me and my sick brain yg nggak mikir satu persatu.. Bukannya kalo ada masalah dipikir2 pelan dan dicari jalan keluarnya, ini otakku malah dengan otomastisnya numpukin semua masalah dan make it worse. Huhms.. yaaah, jadinya malah kepikiran tiap malam dan nggak bisa ngapa2in selain bengong ketakutan ditempat tidur... Yaaah, akhirnya marah2 sendiri dan *malu* Hihihihi, nangis ngadu ke nyunyung =p

Well, anyways... nangis adalah salah satu cara yg paling bagus ngelepas stress.. Beneran deh, mau dibilang cheezy kek cengeng kek apa kek.. nangis adalah *dengan bangga* hobiku ^0^.. Hohohohohohohoho! Kalo bisa nangis sambil jalan2, nangis sambil makan, nangis sambil mandi, atau nangis sambil nonton Friends, biar nggak nyambung sama ngakak2nya.. Muahahahahahha..

Eh.. eh, eniwe, bukan maksutnya cerita itu tadi. Huhms.. setelah pusing mikirin tugas yg nggak maju2 dan nangis ^0^.. akhirnya baringan bentar dikasur *yg udah mayan kotor, perlu dicuci nie, punggungku sampe jerawatan =s* ternyata mata emang masih belom bisa merem kalo tugas nistaku itu belom kesentuh. Malah dihantui tugas... Hihihihihihi, ya sudah, bangun lagi dan malah buka2 blog dan ngeblog *lho?? Bukannya dikerjain Rin tugasnya??* Huuuuuuuuuu, harusnya sie... tapi kok malah males ya??? Muahahahhaa, piye to????
Huhms.. end upnya malah buka blog dan akhirnya berpikir2.. daripada mikir sendirian, mendingan mikir barengan.

Huhms.. kayanya yg aku butuhin tuh restructuring my universe deh... Harus punya prioritas dan jalanin apa yg udah aku rencanain bener2.. Nggak perlu penghalang, kalopun ada, maju terus pantang mundur... I'm used to be like that lhooo, cuma skarang kok kayanya kemampuan maju terusnya melemah... Udah capek kali ya.. rasanya udah berantakan semua... Huhms, but masih bisa ditata, bukan saatnya untuk capek kali ini... Semangat2 aRin!
Badan ngikutin otak sie... dari kemaren dah lemes2 sendiri, sampe harus ngambilin vitaminnya anak2.. Muehehheheheeh =p, sukurlah skarang udah sehat lagi =D.

Yg anehnya lagi.. kalo lagi banyak yg dipikirin, kayanya semua yg ada disekelilingku jadi dim... Kaya blury nggak jelas semuanya.. Misalnya nie, pas lagi nonton Sex and The City tadi.. harusnya aku cepet nangkep cerita2nya.. atau gimananyalah.. tapi tadi pas nonton si City, aku malah bengong.. Well, yeaaahh.. nonton sie nonton, dalam arti mendelikin itu layar tipi, but nggak ngikutin ceritanya, dikit2 ilang perhatiannya.. Jadi pas ditanyain sama anak2 juga nggak ngerti =s... Oh, what's happening to me...

Seharian juga kerjaanku cuma donlot2 lagu. Huhms, nyenengin sie benernya, nemu lagunya The Breeders - Cannonball. Asli aneh banget lagunya =D.. pertamanya ada auuww2nya gitu, trus nggak ada suara apa2.. trus ada suara tung2.. tung2.. yg pertamanya tak kira suara angklung... Hhihihihi, taunya suara bass =D. But lama2 didengerin lagunya keren juga kok =D.
Donlot2 juga lagunya si Snow Patrol - How To Be Dead. Sumpah deh susah... donlot 5 kali baru sukses nemu versi lengkapnya...

Huhms.. lagi2 isi postingan kali ini sama sekali nggak ada hubungannya sama judulnya ^^"
Frou Frou feat. David Bowie - Holding Out For A Hero

Where have all the good men gone
And where are all the gods?
Where's the street-wise Hercules
To fight the rising odds?
Isn't there a white knight upon a fiery steed?
Late at night I toss and turn and dream of what I need

I need a hero
I'm holding out for a hero 'til the end of the night
He's gotta be strong
And he's gotta be fast
And he's gotta be fresh from the fight

I need a hero
I'm holding out for a hero 'til the morning light
He's gotta be sure
And it's gotta be soon
And he's gotta be larger than life

Somewhere after midnight
In my wildest fantasy
Somewhere just beyond my reach
There's someone reaching back for me
Racing on the thunder and rising with the heat
It's gonna take a superman to sweep me off my feet

I need a hero
I'm holding out for a hero 'til the end of the night
He's gotta be strong
And he's gotta be fast
And he's gotta be fresh from the fight

I need a hero
I'm holding out for a hero 'til the morning light
He's gotta be sure
And it's gotta be soon
And he's gotta be larger than life

Up where the mountains meet the heavens above
Out where the lightning splits the sea
I would swear that there's someone somewhere
Watching me

Through the wind and the chill and the rain
And the storm and the flood
I can feel his approach
Like the fire in my blood

I need a hero
I'm holding out for a hero 'til the end of the night
He's gotta be strong
And he's gotta be fast
And he's gotta be fresh from the fight

I need a hero
I'm holding out for a hero 'til the morning light
He's gotta be sure
And it's gotta be soon
And he's gotta be larger than life

I need a hero
I'm holding out for a hero 'til the end of the night
He's gotta be strong
And he's gotta be fast
And he's gotta be fresh from the fight

I need a hero
I'm holding out for a hero 'til the morning light
He's gotta be sure
And it's gotta be soon
And he's gotta be larger than life

*Unlike some people.. yg suka dengerin lagu dalam satu playlist barengan.. aku lebih suka dengerin lagu satu2... Kalo udah suka satu, pasti aku bakalan puter yg itu2 aja terus2an.. sampe aku bosen... Trus kalo udah bosen, baru ganti lagu yg lainnya lagi. Bosennya nggak bisa sehari dua hari, jadi bisa hampir semingguan aku dengerin lagu yg sama terus2an.. Huhuhuhu =D. Kali ini lagu nista yg lagi aku dengerin ya lagunya si Frou2 - Holding Out For A Hero. Bagus lhooo...

Btw, lama2 nie blogku jadi mirip sama website lirik lagu.. Isinya lirik lagu semua. Hihihi, nggak papa deh, wong aku ini juga yg baca =p.

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Stupidity Strikes Back!!

Lagi dengerin Duncan Sheik - Barely Breathing sama makan pisang. Garuk2 kepala dan mikirin IND DODOL! dan peraturan barunya yg nggak kalah dodolnya... Mendingan bisa dimakan =s.

Jadi khan gini... *ngedumel mode ON* Sejak beberapa tahun yg lalu tinggal di Belanda tuh, urusan IDku nggak pernah beres, selalu aja ada masalah. Nggak tau itu telatlah dikirimin dari sana form2nya.. dan aku juga telat mbalesnya *muahahahah, kalo itu salah aku emang =D*.. Trus sampe yg akhirnya taun kemaren aku harus balik ke Indo dan ngebut bikin VISA baru which sampe ngerepotin semua orang di Indo *karena kebegoanku*. Yaaah, akhirnya jadi trauma masalah ID2 nista disini... Kemaren aja IDku akhirnya jadi, tapi juga sebulan sebelum exp sempet2nya ilang sama dompetku sekalian *salahku naruh dompet sembarangan, salah malingnya juga ngapain dompet nggak ada isinya dicolong.. huhms, mungkin dompetnya kelihatan bagus sie, yaaah.. habis ulang tahun trus itu kadonya.. gimana dunks.. eh, ok, back to the plot line*
Akhirnya bikin surat keterangan ilang dan ngurus ID barunya make itu.. Huhms.. tapi udah beberapa bulan yg lalu.. which sampe skarang aku belom dikirimin follow up apapun!! Nggak ada bill dari sana, nggak ada juga surat keterangan kalo aku kurang apapun.. *sigh* Padahal anak2 yg lain udah pada dikirimin billnya sgala macam.

Well, anyways.. kemaren denger2 dari si Arifin, katanya entar penjagaan di belanda bakalan diperketat banget.. Intinya, ntar bakalan ada patroli2 gitu *emang perang =s*
Dan ID bakalan penting banget.. *kaya pernah nggak aja*.. Dan sampe skarang masalah IDku belom beres.

Ditengah kepanikan yg melanda.. ngobrol2 sama si Martina ternyata dia juga punya masalah yg sama.. apa lebih parah ya?? Dok2nya dia diilangin sama IND *Wuooooott???, sak enake dewe =s* trusnya dia harus ngirim lagi dok2 dia yg ilang itu... Padahal ID dia udah exp sejak kapan tau.. NISTA! Dan bukan cuma dia.. ada 15an anak yg ngelapor ke International Office curhat masalah yg sama.. Duuuhh.. duuhh >_<.... Hihihihi, bikin aku legaan dikit, nggak cuma aku aja yg punya masalah.. Tralaallalal *hheeh, malah menari2 diatas penderitaan orang lain*. Gituuu...

But.. satu kejelekanku yg bener2 jelek dan merugikan.. suka menunda2 sesuatu.. Kalo ngeliat masalah, bukannya dihadepin kek apa kek, perang 45 atau gimana gitu.. ini malah aku lari duluan.. sembunyi dulu seneng2 dulu sampe masalahnya udah basi membusuk dan ngurusnya jadi lebih susah lagi. Perlu air, pewangi segala macam sampe baunya ilang. Kadang2 baunya bahkan nggak ilang bikin aku rugi terus... *sigh* Dan begonya lagiiii,, udah tau gituuu.. masih aja pattern yg lama diulang2.. Bego deh, nggak ada belajar2nya sama sekali =s. Begitu...

Sooo.. yg harus dilakukan adalah, nggak panic. Nothing's worth fearing! Iyyeaahhh!! *sok2nya, padahal ndredeg nggak karu2an*. Nelpon IND, bikin appointment, nanyain soal gimana tuh nasib IDku.. apa dokumenku ilang juga.. apa gimana. Trus boleh nggak aku minta stiker yg bilang IDku lagi dalam proses. Gitu2 deh... Hal2 yg membosankan, but harus dilakukan.

Huhms... sudah sie, kurang lebih kaya gitu. Ntar dilihat aja lagi kalo ada masalah.. Yaahh, hadapin lagi. Yaa.. sudahlah, mau bikin tugas nie. Nggak selesai2.. Depan kompi kalo nggak donlot2 lagu malah chatting =D. Hihihihi.. habisnya seru sie.. Moso tiap kali buka kompi yg di klik winamp sama dan nyanyi2 dengan nista.. Muahahahahaahah, bagus buat stress. Mau ikutan??

Stress Release *dan mindahin stress ke orang yg denger*
Karaokean Ceria

Yg harus disiapkan:
1. Lagu ceria dan nggak mbulet buat nyanyiinya *kalo aku biasanya suka nyanyiin Sky - You sama Duncan Sheik - On A High*
2. Lirik lagu bersangkutan yg sudah disiapin sebelumnya.
3. Earphone yg gedhe *Volume speakernya harus gedhe, jangan sampe bisa denger suara kamu sendiri pas ntar nyanyi*

1. Nyanyiin lagu yg udah disiapin tadi keras2.. Kalo misalnya salah liriknya cuek aja. Kesumbangan suara disini sangat nggak diperdulikan.
2. Joget2 dengan ceria.. kalo perlu sambil merem2. Diresapin lagunya tadi dan buang masalah kamu jauh2 pas nyanyi. Biar lega!
3. Ulang sampe stressnya ilang.

Taunya kalo stress kamu udah ilang dan udah mindah ke orang lain, pas ada orang *bisa temen serumah kamu* yg tau2 masuk kamar kamu dengan muka kecut atau heran biasanya dan nanya "hoii, kamu nggak papa tahh??" Heheheh, itu baru sukses =D

Huhuhu.. okeh2.. silahkan dicoba.. dijamin manjur! ;]

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Relish - Its You I'm Thinking Of

Well you set my soul on fire
Only you can take me higher
It was you that set me free
What was love before I know

When do you get to that point where enough is enough? Never. Never.
'Cause you are all I need

I just have to let you know
Maybe there's a place for you and me, yeah
I just have to let you know
That it's you I'm thinking of
That's it's you I'm thinking of

You were born to be alive
With a beauty in our minds
To share it with the world
Cause you're so easy just hey
Then to throw it all away
Just adding to the hurt

I just have to let you know
Maybe there's a place for you and me, yeah
Like the sunlight breaking through a cloudy day
Well, it's you I'm thinking of
Yes, it's you I'm thinking of

Let's all get together
'Cause this is what we got
This is what we've got
I just have to let you know's you I'm thinking of
Baby, it's you I'm thinking of

I just have to let you know
Maybe there's a place for you and me, yeah
I just have to let you know
Maybe there's a place for you and me
I just have to let you know
That it's you I'm thinking of
That it's you I'm thinking of...oh yeah yeah
Cause it's you I'm thinking of...oohhh oooo ahhh

I said it's you yest it's you you you you I'm thinking of's you yes it's you oooo...

Monday, December 06, 2004

Duncan Sheik - On A High

I'm on a high, on a high
there's nothing more to it
You're the sea and the sky
and the blue that runs through it, yeah

And there are some who say there are so many things I need
So I run or I fight and I crawl or I scream and I bleed, I bleed, I bleed

It's a lie, It's a lie, don't you believe it
If you're fine then you're fine, its all how you see it
Or there never will be no conspiracy of happiness

I'm on a high, on a high
there's nothing more to it
I have the sun it's a star
why should I refuse it

And there are so many reasons I could give you why I should be down
there's not enough money, or time and my love you're not.......

It's a lie, It's a lie don't you believe it
If you're fine then you're fine, it's all how you see it
Or there never will be no conspiracy of happiness

You're alive, You're alive, where else could you hear me
You are fine, You are fine, nothing worth fearing
Or there never will be no conspiracy of happiness

I'm on a high, on a high
We are the sea and the sky
I'm on a high, on a high
I'm on a high....

It's a lie, It's a lie don't you believe it
Cause I've tried, and I've tried, can't really see it
Well I'm trapped inside my conspiracy of happiness
Said I was yours, you were mine, but didn't really mean it

And I lied, and I lied, wish you hadn't seen it
Now I'm trapped inside my conspiracy of happiness

I'm on a high, on a high, there's nothing more to it, yeah

*Hihihi, suka karaokean dikamar nyanyiin lagu ini... Hehehe, sampe anak2 diluar pada protes =p*

Sunday, December 05, 2004

Sky - You

Here I, here I go again now
Failing to pretend
My heart will not depend
On your love, I'm sailing
Sailing into the sun
Where my soul belongs
It's tempting to give in
Deep in your skin

Dictator in my brain
Tell me I'm not insane
Needless to say that without love
I feel no joy, no pain
Dictator in my brain
This time I feel no shame
Your bossy voice is telling me I feel for you, you
You make make me wanna fly
Above the city lights
If only I could make sweet love to you
There's nothing else I'd rather do
'Cause I'm so in love
I'm free now
Free at last from insecurity
Free from all the things I didn't mean
Found freedom in peace
We're fading
Fading like the sun into the sea
Forces of nature
We cannot cheat
So come and steal this life with me

Lonely, only lonely without you
I am so
Only lonely, only without you
Over, over fighting over you
The world keeps on turning, turning without you, you
You make me wanna fly
Above the city lights
If only I could make sweet love to you
There's nothing else I'd rather do
'Cause I'm so in love
You, you make me feel so good
Like only lovers should
If only we could change this world around
We wouldn't be so upside down
'Cause you blow my mind

*Bassnya: Wowww!!*