Wednesday, March 30, 2005


Hari ini rencananya mau keluar bentar ke kaalverstraat, trus mau beli kaus Switzal lutu yg ada di Nieuwendijk. Trusnya mau ke A.Fusion dan beli Ossehaas met zwarte pepper saus (OMZPS). Janjian ketemuan ma Wardah juga balikin Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind-nya si Rio yg harusny udah dibalikin sejak hari Senin lalu. Great movie! Hehehehe. Trus final planny jemput si Nyunyung di Amstel Station. Bis itu pulang dan masak :p

Pi ternyata plan di plan.. hehehe, gagal juga. Seperti biasanya, keluar rumah juga nelat gara2 males mandi dan masih iseng utek2 kompi.
Keluar udah jam 2.50 pm dan udah telp2an sama si Wardah janjian ketemuan.
Pi ternyata si Nyunyung dah nelp dan dia bilang udah selesai kelasnya. Batal ketemuan ma si Wardah dan akhirny langsung menuju Amstel Station. Ke Nieuwmarkt A.Fusion dan beli OMZPS. Di perjalanan kesana, seperti biasa.. ngelewatin toko komik ketjil gitu *WHICH I LOVE SO MUCH* berisi barang2 lutu2 dan penuh dngn MARVEL Comic, Manga, trus video2 anime.
Akhirnya masuk "bentar" *there will never be kata bentar, untuk komik* dan ngelirik barang2nya. Ad pin2 lutu yg dijual disitu seharga 1 euroan yg aku suka banget. Dngn nistanya beli 6 biji. Yayy! maruk, cuma its too cute too resist :p. Browsing2 manga bentar dan akhirnya nemu seri terbaru KYO SAMURAI DEEPER v11

KYO Samurai Deeper Posted by Hello

yippiii!! This one'll make my day! akhirny beli juga. Udah nunggu2 dari sejak 2 bulan yg lalu. Pertama kali baca komik ini pas di Indo, pi cuma sampe jilid 4 aja. Pas kesini nemu seri nomer 5-10 di toko-ketjil-nan-mungil-tapi-keren itu dan akhirny beli juga ke lima2nya *setelah melewati pertentangan batin dan dompet* Harga satuannya 11,95 euro! Huh, tapi demi kebahagian 1 jam membaca komik, harga itu tak seberapa -____-". Pi pikir2 juga, dibandingin ma harga komik di ABC yg sampe 14,95 euro itu, this one's much better!

Si Nyunyung juga akhirny ikut2an browsing2 manga. Well, dia tidak bgitu suka aku memboroskan duit di komik, but aku juga nggak borosin duit dimana2 lagi :p, so setelah long lasting argument-slash-lecture tentang komik dan uang akhirny dengan kekuatanku, AKU MENANG! Hehehehehe, lebih bagusnya lagi dia malah terpengaruh. Buktinya, si Nyunyung dengan sangat manisny memaksaku untuk membaca GON. Komik yg dia suka banget pas di Indo. Its not that I dont like it, its just that I havent read it yet. Setelah beberapa lama berargumantasi dan berpikir/nimbang dompet, akhirny dia beliin aku si GON itu. YAYYY!! This is even better than diamond *well, of course not, nothing beats diamond, but u gotta say these kinda things when yer boyfriend nicely bought you something that he didnt agreed you bought it in the first place :p*.

GON Wild Posted by Hello

Setelah pilih memilih *karena ada 4 judul GON dan ngga ada v numernya* akhirnya si Nyunyung beliin GON Wild.
Heheheheh, I love manga! Hidup manga!!!
sampe rumah masih senyum2 dan akhirnya beresin kamar, karena kalo baca suasana kamar juga harus nyaman *see, manga juga membawa dampak +, kamar jadi bersih ^0^*.

Pas uda baring2an dikasur, benernya masih kpikiran sama FILLERBUNNY trus sama salah satu komiknya si MARVEL, judulny SIN CITY.
Kalo FillerBunny lebih menarik perhatianku, since dari dulu aku udah suka all kind of sick bunnies. Mulai dari Happy Bunny, Suicidal Bunny, Playboy Bunny, trus barusan nemu si Filler Bunny. Hehehe, makin merasa lengkap koleksi sick bunniesny :p
Si MARVEL aku suka banget juga, gara2ny dulu ada major crush sama Superman! Ultraman! dan ALL-MIGHTY-HEROES. Trus suka banget sama WonderWoman/Diana. Well, SinCity ak emang belum pernah denger, pi dari keterangan mas penjaga tokonya yg kayanya seru banget njelasinnya dan suka banget, yaaa.. saya semakin teryakinkan kalo SinCity memang keren. Meskipun yaah.. emang belom baca sie :p

Huhms.. buat yg suka sama komik, kmaren ak sempet nista donlot INUYASHA di sini. Pi benernya disni juga bisa buat donlot macem2, nggak cuma inuyasha aja.
Colorful - The Verve Pipe

the show is over - close the storybook
there will be no encore
and all the random hands that i have shook
well, they're reaching for the door
i watch the backs as they leave single-file
you stood stubborn, cheering all the while

i know i can be colorful
i know i can be grey
i know this loser's living fortunate
cause i know you will love me either way

most were being good for goodness sake
but you wouldn't pantomine
you are more beautiful when you awake
than most are in a lifetime
through the haze that is my memory
you stayed for drama though you paid for a comedy

i know i can be colorful
i know i can be grey
i know this loser's living fortunate
cause i know you will love me either way

look ahead as far as you can see
we live in drama but we'll die in a comedy

i know i can be colorful (when you live in black and white)
i know i can be grey (my colors fade away)
i know this loser's living fortunate
cause i know you will love me either way

i know i can be colorful (when you live in black and white)
i know i can be grey (my colors fade away)
i know this loser's living fortunate
and i know you will love me
yes i know you will love me
i know you will love me either way

the position Posted by Hello

Anybody knows this movie?
Huhms.. lupa kapan pertama kali notice ada film ini. Surely itu pasti sama niken. Mungkin pas kita lagi asiek nonton sumthin on sumthin channel, trus trailer film ini muncul, and in a heart-beat. We know that we're gonna love this movie.

1. Its because Maggie Gyllenhaal. She is beautiful, but more than that, she has a strange face. Dont ya think? :P
Unique, smart, strong performances, charming and most of all, she has a cute brother.. Hohohoho ^0^
2. Because the story itself. Pertama kali liat trailernya, yg pertama kali muncul diotakku "woow, cool.. another SM movie with a twist"
SMnya sendiri udah bisa bikin aku terus nyari tau soal film ini, tapi pas baca salah satu resensinya di IMDB, hbaru nyadar ternyata its more than that. Its a romantic comedy, about two weird-in-their-own-way people, yg menemukan satu sama lain dan bergabung dalam keanehan yg serupa, namanya cinta *yeowch* that'spretty cool. That line make me fall deeper for this movie.
3. But wait, I dont really like romantic comedy with all those fairy tale and comic story and all the happy endings. So Disney! Hehehehe, tapi pas liat all the "position" hehehehe, ternyata memang I love this movie!

Trus, dari kapan gitu, disaat gundah gulana dan stress melanda, aku nyari film ini di setiap *well, not di setiap* di dua videotheek. Pertama di videotheek deket admiraal tempat biasanya aku nyewa, sama satunya lagi deketnya mercatorplein. Nyadar sie pas nyari di Admiral Videotheek itu film ini nggak akan ada. Udah sering ditanyain, but tetep maksa dan berharap ada.. hehehehe :p
Yg disatunya ada, cuma bukan dvd, tapi video.
Huhms.. pengennya sie minjem dvdnya trus di copy dan dilestarikan.. huhuhuhuhuhu ^o^
Pi sayang skali sampe skarang belom nemu...

For more information click here

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Updates on Personality Disorder

Paranoid: Moderate
Schizoid: Low
Schizotypal: Moderate
Antisocial: High
Borderline: Very High
Histrionic: Low
Narcissistic: Moderate
Avoidant: Moderate
Dependent: High
Obsessive-Compulsive: High

Ok..from last time.. I'm saner now *look archive Oct*. But still there are high threats on suicidal tendency.

Borderline personality disorder is characterized by mood instability and poor self-image. People with this disorder are prone to constant mood swings and bouts of anger. Often, they will take their anger out on themselves, causing injury to their own body. Suicidal threats and actions are not uncommon. Borderlines think in very black and white terms and often form intense, conflict-ridden relationships. They are quick to anger when their expectations are not met.

Self-injury or attempted suicide
Strong feelings of anger, anxiety, or depression that last for several hours
Impulsive behavior
Drug or alcohol abuse
Feelings of low self-worth
Unstable relationships with friends, family, and boyfriends/girlfriends

ok.. so if any of you guys suffering from those symptoms.. welcome to the club!
Just Not Today
#1 Crush - Garbage

I would die for you
I would die for you
I've been dying just to feel you by my side
To know that you're mine

I will cry for you
I will cry for you
I will wash away your pain with all my tears
And drown your fear

I will pray for you
I will pray for you
I will sell my soul for something pure and true
Someone like you

See your face every place that I walk in
Hear your voice every time I am talking
You will believe in me
And I will never be ignored

I will burn for you
Feel pain for you
I will twist the knife and bleed my aching heart
And tear it apart

I will lie for you
Beg and steal for you
I will crawl on hands and knees until you see
You're just like me

Violate all the love that I'm missing
Throw away all the pain that I'm living
You will believe in me
And I can never be ignored

I would die for you
I would kill for you
I will steal for you
I'd do time for you
I would wait for you
I'd make room for you
I'd sinkships for you
To be close to you
To be a part of you
'Cause I believe in you
I believe in you
I would die for you

Cant stop hating... my soul wont move from that day.
The day I decided to hate
Its in my dreams...
Its in my head...
Cant move on.
Feels like am dead. Everyday's the same
Nothing's changed...
Feel the same, think the same

But really...

That day... I died

Monday, March 28, 2005

:9~~~~~ Posted by Hello

Huzzaaahh!! Scud!!

Thursday, March 17, 2005


Been crazieh with this crazy game -___-"

Monday, March 14, 2005


.......... I'm free falling
so catch me... and I will fly...

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Tori Amos - Sleeps With Butterflies

Airplanes take you away again
Are you flying above where we live?
Then I look up
a glare in my eyes
Are you having regrets about last night?

I'm not
but I like rivers that
Rush in
so then I dove in

Is there trouble ahead
for you the acrobat?
I won't push you
unless you have a net

You say the word you know I will find you
or if you need some time I don't mind
I don't hold onto the
tail of your kite

I'm not like the girls that you've known
but I believe I'm worth comin' home to
kiss her
waiting by this girl

Only sleeps with butterflies
with butterflies
with butterflies
with butterflies
So go on and fly then boy

Balloons look good from off the ground
I feel you're pins and needles around
we may fall and stumble upon a carousel
It could take us anywhere

You say the word you know I will find you
or if you need some time I don't mind
I don't hold onto the
tail of your kite

I'm not like the girls that you've known
but I believe I'm worth comin' home to
kiss her
waiting by this girl, this girl

You say the word you know I will find you
or if you need some time I don't mind
I don't hold onto the
tail of your kite

I'm not like the girls that you've known
but I believe I'm worth comin' home to
kiss her
waiting by this girl

Only sleeps with butterflies
with butterflies
with butterflies
with butterflies
So go on and fly boy