Wednesday, April 13, 2005
Me and My 1rst coffee ever!

no. i'm not drinking soup
Ok.. never been interested in coffee, tea or any liquid yg biasany diminum pas anget2 (juga hot choco dan soup). Personal opinion, cairan panas dan anget itu tidak untuk diminum, paling banter buat mandi dan semedi =p.
Teh anget bikin sakit perut (any cairan anget) trusny kopi bikin pusing.
Pi on a very rare occasion, kaya kemaren misalny, ketika kita (me and rini) somehow ngerasa sama2 mirip kaya monyet dan merasa kalo kaki kita (again me and rini) serasa kayu glondong! A deep conclusion from a verry shallow conversation ditengah malam buta.
Akhirny dengan niat membara janjian ketemuan dengan tema: mensupport satu sama lain!
Rencanany sie to do sumthin yg bisa dongkrak abis2an kepedean kita. Well, rini suggest kita ngobrolin stuff in some caffee and drink coffee.
Again saya jelaskan: Saya tidak minum kopi! What's so strange about that, except the fact that almost everyone in this country are addicted to it.
Well, dengan argumentasiny, rini bilang "Nek, minum coffee is like having sex without boys"
Hooo.. I never knew that! Is it that great? Well, its not like I know how it feels to have sex, but people bilang "Nothing is better than sex". Hhoooohohohohoho, maybe its worth to try afterall.
Sooo.. finally after having another discussion about coffee and all, akhirny kita memutuskan ketemuan di H&M Spui and then ngga tau ngapain trus baru have sex (me with Caffiato and she's with Latte) somewhere. Well.. emang kopi sempet jadi pikiran beberapa hari ini, ngga tau knapa kena sudden urge to drink caffiato, pi nggak kesampean entah ngga tau dari kapan =p.
But instead of Caffiatony Aroma yg udah diincer2 sejak ngga tau kapan itu, aku dapet latteny Esprit. Latteny Esprit yg anget! panas!
Besokny pas kita ketemuan, I kept my promise. Di cafe esprit pesen Salmon Bagel + Flavored Latte with Whipped Cream. Ak pilih rasa hazelnut.
Belum sempet abis coffeeny, efek sampingan timbul. Sakit kepala. Ugh... pusing! But somehow jadi ecstatic =p.
Karena masih sok2 pengen nyobain kopi, si Rini suggested mendingan pesen kopi yg decaf. Akhirny pesen lagi another Decaf Latte without Whipped Cream no Flavor.

semangkuk latte pertamaku
Ak nggak bisa ngabisin my second bowl of coffee (Esprit ternyata satu2ny tempat yg nyediain kopiny pake mangkuk -- kinda kewl). Perutku rejected coffeeny.. palagi anget, kpalaku sudah kerasa berat banget. Pi.. caffeinnya bekerja. Hehehe, jadi alert and ecstatic (minus sakit kepala).
Hasilny, saya masih ngga suka kopi (tapi mulai tertarik sama cup kopi yg lucu2) dan ngga mau lagi nyoba2 kopi, kecuali caffiato.
So much for having sex, lol, diakhiri dengan pusing2 yg tak berujung *palagi ngga make kacamata dan lensa* nambah kepusingan =p

no. i'm not drinking soup

Ok.. never been interested in coffee, tea or any liquid yg biasany diminum pas anget2 (juga hot choco dan soup). Personal opinion, cairan panas dan anget itu tidak untuk diminum, paling banter buat mandi dan semedi =p.
Teh anget bikin sakit perut (any cairan anget) trusny kopi bikin pusing.
Pi on a very rare occasion, kaya kemaren misalny, ketika kita (me and rini) somehow ngerasa sama2 mirip kaya monyet dan merasa kalo kaki kita (again me and rini) serasa kayu glondong! A deep conclusion from a verry shallow conversation ditengah malam buta.
Akhirny dengan niat membara janjian ketemuan dengan tema: mensupport satu sama lain!
Rencanany sie to do sumthin yg bisa dongkrak abis2an kepedean kita. Well, rini suggest kita ngobrolin stuff in some caffee and drink coffee.
Again saya jelaskan: Saya tidak minum kopi! What's so strange about that, except the fact that almost everyone in this country are addicted to it.
Well, dengan argumentasiny, rini bilang "Nek, minum coffee is like having sex without boys"
Hooo.. I never knew that! Is it that great? Well, its not like I know how it feels to have sex, but people bilang "Nothing is better than sex". Hhoooohohohohoho, maybe its worth to try afterall.
Sooo.. finally after having another discussion about coffee and all, akhirny kita memutuskan ketemuan di H&M Spui and then ngga tau ngapain trus baru have sex (me with Caffiato and she's with Latte) somewhere. Well.. emang kopi sempet jadi pikiran beberapa hari ini, ngga tau knapa kena sudden urge to drink caffiato, pi nggak kesampean entah ngga tau dari kapan =p.
But instead of Caffiatony Aroma yg udah diincer2 sejak ngga tau kapan itu, aku dapet latteny Esprit. Latteny Esprit yg anget! panas!
Besokny pas kita ketemuan, I kept my promise. Di cafe esprit pesen Salmon Bagel + Flavored Latte with Whipped Cream. Ak pilih rasa hazelnut.
Belum sempet abis coffeeny, efek sampingan timbul. Sakit kepala. Ugh... pusing! But somehow jadi ecstatic =p.
Karena masih sok2 pengen nyobain kopi, si Rini suggested mendingan pesen kopi yg decaf. Akhirny pesen lagi another Decaf Latte without Whipped Cream no Flavor.

semangkuk latte pertamaku

Ak nggak bisa ngabisin my second bowl of coffee (Esprit ternyata satu2ny tempat yg nyediain kopiny pake mangkuk -- kinda kewl). Perutku rejected coffeeny.. palagi anget, kpalaku sudah kerasa berat banget. Pi.. caffeinnya bekerja. Hehehe, jadi alert and ecstatic (minus sakit kepala).
Hasilny, saya masih ngga suka kopi (tapi mulai tertarik sama cup kopi yg lucu2) dan ngga mau lagi nyoba2 kopi, kecuali caffiato.
So much for having sex, lol, diakhiri dengan pusing2 yg tak berujung *palagi ngga make kacamata dan lensa* nambah kepusingan =p
Sunday, April 10, 2005
The Body Shop vs Rituals
Kemaren habis jalan2 tu sama si Rini. The weather was great! its raining and all.. my kinda athmosphere.
Jalan2 ke Kalverstraat ngga ada juntrunganny akhirny nyampe juga ke Body Shop. Rencana awal sie mau nyari nail clipper. Pertama2 sie ngelirik nail clip punyanya Shu Uemura di Magna Plaza.. Geez, mahal banget =p. Ok.. pindah lirikan akhirnya memutuskan ke Body Shop instead. Hehehe, di Body Shop malah nemu THE GREAT Spa Wisdom! Its not that I didnt know about it yet, but kemaren sama si Rini and she's like the great sales person. Misalnya dia jualan barang tuh ya.. pasti langsung laku.. huahahahahah.
Ok.. so, kemaren akhirnya sukses nyoba2 lotionnya Spa Wisdom On a high hydrating puree =p sama satuny lagi Spa Wisdom Monoi miracle oil.
Umm.. pertama2 agak2 skeptik juga sie.. since ak emang nggak pernah make lotion and all. But then aku nyoba and.. whoooaa.. amazing.. for the first time, I have a lotion orgasm ^0^. Muahaha.. really, its that great!
Ok... udah selesai nyobain testernya *hampir habis kita cobain* akhirnya nyoba ke monoi oilnya and again.. another oil orgasm. Huahahahahha.. gila, tester sampe pengen diembat :p

Akhirny dengan gelap mata membeli dua2nya. Spa Wisdom lotion harganya 18.00 Euro dan Oilny 16.00 Euro. Oilny bisa dipake di rambut, buat mandi, buat kulit kering juga.. or even better buat massage! hohohohoho *pikiran2 nista mulai bermunculan*
Sedangkan lotionnya bikin kulit kaya basah mengkilat2 gitu and it smells great too.. Ouggh, I love cosmetics!

Spa wisdomnya
Habis dari Boy Shop trus kita (me and Rini) mulai ngomongin soal which is better. Rituals or The Body Shop. Well, personally aku nggak punya fave sie. There are some stuff yg aku suka di Rituals dan ada benda2 yg aku suka di Body Shop.
Pi kalo dipikir2. I prefer The Body Shop. Why?
1. Soalny against animal testing! Impooooooorrrtant
2. Kemasannya lutu2. Misalny nie.. warnany2 bagus2, ijo, trus ada pink2 menjadi kesatuan yg harmonis :p
3. Hargany nggak bikin kaget, meskipun di rituals ngga jauh2 amat sie.. pi rituals lebih mahal dikit. I think.
4. Di Body Shp ada Spa Wisdom :p
Hehehhe.. ok, Body Shop wins!!! *ga adil banget yak* Hehehehehe
Kemaren habis jalan2 tu sama si Rini. The weather was great! its raining and all.. my kinda athmosphere.
Jalan2 ke Kalverstraat ngga ada juntrunganny akhirny nyampe juga ke Body Shop. Rencana awal sie mau nyari nail clipper. Pertama2 sie ngelirik nail clip punyanya Shu Uemura di Magna Plaza.. Geez, mahal banget =p. Ok.. pindah lirikan akhirnya memutuskan ke Body Shop instead. Hehehe, di Body Shop malah nemu THE GREAT Spa Wisdom! Its not that I didnt know about it yet, but kemaren sama si Rini and she's like the great sales person. Misalnya dia jualan barang tuh ya.. pasti langsung laku.. huahahahahah.
Ok.. so, kemaren akhirnya sukses nyoba2 lotionnya Spa Wisdom On a high hydrating puree =p sama satuny lagi Spa Wisdom Monoi miracle oil.
Umm.. pertama2 agak2 skeptik juga sie.. since ak emang nggak pernah make lotion and all. But then aku nyoba and.. whoooaa.. amazing.. for the first time, I have a lotion orgasm ^0^. Muahaha.. really, its that great!
Ok... udah selesai nyobain testernya *hampir habis kita cobain* akhirnya nyoba ke monoi oilnya and again.. another oil orgasm. Huahahahahha.. gila, tester sampe pengen diembat :p


Akhirny dengan gelap mata membeli dua2nya. Spa Wisdom lotion harganya 18.00 Euro dan Oilny 16.00 Euro. Oilny bisa dipake di rambut, buat mandi, buat kulit kering juga.. or even better buat massage! hohohohoho *pikiran2 nista mulai bermunculan*
Sedangkan lotionnya bikin kulit kaya basah mengkilat2 gitu and it smells great too.. Ouggh, I love cosmetics!

Spa wisdomnya

Habis dari Boy Shop trus kita (me and Rini) mulai ngomongin soal which is better. Rituals or The Body Shop. Well, personally aku nggak punya fave sie. There are some stuff yg aku suka di Rituals dan ada benda2 yg aku suka di Body Shop.
Pi kalo dipikir2. I prefer The Body Shop. Why?
1. Soalny against animal testing! Impooooooorrrtant
2. Kemasannya lutu2. Misalny nie.. warnany2 bagus2, ijo, trus ada pink2 menjadi kesatuan yg harmonis :p
3. Hargany nggak bikin kaget, meskipun di rituals ngga jauh2 amat sie.. pi rituals lebih mahal dikit. I think.
4. Di Body Shp ada Spa Wisdom :p
Hehehhe.. ok, Body Shop wins!!! *ga adil banget yak* Hehehehehe
Monday, April 04, 2005
24 Song - Prime Sth
Speed it up
let me through
don't waste your time ,
I'll never be like you
Like this cake?
Like this hole?
Like there's nothing ever been told
I'm raising hell like a mad machine
Light me up I'm drinking gasoline
Speed it up, don't slow me down
while I look for things that you will never find
I'm just sure that I want more
burning out at 24
I'm so bored and I want more
Ten times removed, don't know where I belong
explicit words in a birthday song
Like this cream? Like this black?
Like there's nothing holding me back
I'm raising hell like a mad machine
Light me up, I'm drinking gasoline
Speed me up, don't slow me down
While I search for things that you will never find
I'm just sure that I want more
burning out at 24
I'm so bored and I want more
I know things will never change
'n' I know things will stay the same here
I know I can't rearrange this
24... 24... 20...
Speed it up, let me through
don't waste your time I'll never be like you
Like this cake? Like this hole?
Like there's nothing ever been told
Like this cream? Like this black?
Like there's nothing holding me back
I'm raising hell like a mad machine
So fucked up, I'm drinking gasoline
I know things will never change
I know things will stay the same here
I know I can't rearrange this
'Cause I know me
Speed it up
let me through
don't waste your time ,
I'll never be like you
Like this cake?
Like this hole?
Like there's nothing ever been told
I'm raising hell like a mad machine
Light me up I'm drinking gasoline
Speed it up, don't slow me down
while I look for things that you will never find
I'm just sure that I want more
burning out at 24
I'm so bored and I want more
Ten times removed, don't know where I belong
explicit words in a birthday song
Like this cream? Like this black?
Like there's nothing holding me back
I'm raising hell like a mad machine
Light me up, I'm drinking gasoline
Speed me up, don't slow me down
While I search for things that you will never find
I'm just sure that I want more
burning out at 24
I'm so bored and I want more
I know things will never change
'n' I know things will stay the same here
I know I can't rearrange this
24... 24... 20...
Speed it up, let me through
don't waste your time I'll never be like you
Like this cake? Like this hole?
Like there's nothing ever been told
Like this cream? Like this black?
Like there's nothing holding me back
I'm raising hell like a mad machine
So fucked up, I'm drinking gasoline
I know things will never change
I know things will stay the same here
I know I can't rearrange this
'Cause I know me
Sunday, April 03, 2005
The World's Stupidest Tourist
Once, there was this one stupidest person who went on a trip.
And because he's so stupid, people cheated him wherever he went.
And during that time, all his money, clothes and possesions where cheated away from him.
But the tourist was simply too stupid, so they just took all his things with a simple "thank you for your help"
He even cried at made up stories... and just gave up everything he owed.
In the end, he was completely naked, and he started feeling very embarased.
But in the forest, instead he met demons.
The demons wanted to eat him, so they came up with a skillful plan to cheat him.
Of course, the tourist feel for it, and offered an arm and a leg.
And then, at the very end, the tourist only had his head left.
He even gave his eyes to the last of the demons.
The demon told him, while eating his eyes, "thank you very much, I have a present for you as well"
But that was a lie too.
The so-called present was just a note said "IDIOT".
But the tourist was so touched that he cried at this,
"thank you! Oh Thank you!" he said.
"this is my firts time ever getting a present. I'm really happy. Thank you so much!"
And tears just came out endlessly out of his empty eye sockets.
The tourist was left out in the wild.
Where he silently died.
Now close your eyes and deeply think about the story.
Deeply thinking about that story of how many times he was lied to and when he had only his head left, he still thankfully cried.
and then you'll understand it.
loss and sorts of pain, he never thought about it. The tourist never thought of himself.
Feel it.
That's what you do when your in love rite? People are stupid when they're in love,,,
Once, there was this one stupidest person who went on a trip.
And because he's so stupid, people cheated him wherever he went.
And during that time, all his money, clothes and possesions where cheated away from him.
But the tourist was simply too stupid, so they just took all his things with a simple "thank you for your help"
He even cried at made up stories... and just gave up everything he owed.
In the end, he was completely naked, and he started feeling very embarased.
But in the forest, instead he met demons.
The demons wanted to eat him, so they came up with a skillful plan to cheat him.
Of course, the tourist feel for it, and offered an arm and a leg.
And then, at the very end, the tourist only had his head left.
He even gave his eyes to the last of the demons.
The demon told him, while eating his eyes, "thank you very much, I have a present for you as well"
But that was a lie too.
The so-called present was just a note said "IDIOT".
But the tourist was so touched that he cried at this,
"thank you! Oh Thank you!" he said.
"this is my firts time ever getting a present. I'm really happy. Thank you so much!"
And tears just came out endlessly out of his empty eye sockets.
The tourist was left out in the wild.
Where he silently died.
Now close your eyes and deeply think about the story.
Deeply thinking about that story of how many times he was lied to and when he had only his head left, he still thankfully cried.
and then you'll understand it.
loss and sorts of pain, he never thought about it. The tourist never thought of himself.
Feel it.
That's what you do when your in love rite? People are stupid when they're in love,,,
Friday, April 01, 2005
URGENT: Tell Canada The Seal Hunt Must End
Woke up today, doing my rituals. Turn on the computer and this e-mail just struck me. Then it was dolphin, now its seal for crying out loud! And its just two weeks old!
This is the e-mail
To send your seal hunt protest letter to the Canadian ambassador, simply Reply to this message and hit Send
Speak Out for Seals Now With Just One Click
Dear Pusparini,
You probably already know that right now off the ice floes of Eastern Canada, hundreds of thousands of baby seals as young as 12 days of age are being clubbed or shot to death without mercy.
As I write this, one of nature’s greatest spectacles is being overrun by seal hunters wielding wooden bats, rifles and hakapiks — a type of spiked club. The seal pups, awkward and slow, try to flee without hope of escape.
Sealers run across the ice and club each baby seal once on the head, then flip the seal on its back to remove its pelt with a knife. Too often, the baby seal struggles against the knife and is clubbed several more times until dead.
I wanted to give you an update on the events of this year’s seal hunt, and let you know what our next steps are in stopping this cruel and senseless practice.
Why does Canada still hunt two-week-old seal pups?

The simple answer is profit. If seal pelts were not valuable; seals would not be killed. The greed of a select few has turned one of the world’s most precious natural heritages into a virtual slaughterhouse.
Last week Canada’s Department of Fisheries and Oceans announced its intention to continue reducing the entire harp seal population by up to a third ... without scientific justification. The greedy incentive to maximize profit by killing as many animals as possible, as quickly as possible, is not only cruel and disrespectful to our natural heritage, it has the dangerous potential to push harp seals down the road to extinction.
Canada’s government is counting on your silence
The brutal and irresponsible nature of the hunt is at great odds with Canada’s reputation as a civilized, progressive country.
I know that like me, you look forward to a day where the Canadian government, the fur industry and others who are fueling the killing of baby seals realize that seals are worth more than just the price of their pelts.
That’s why I want to urge you to speak out right now to tell the new Canadian Ambassador to the US Frank McKenna that the rest of the world will no longer stand for such a cruel and senseless hunt. Let’s send him a welcome message he’ll never forget!
I cannot stress enough how much your voice makes a difference. Thanks to a worldwide outcry spurred by IFAW in the 1970s, the commercial killing of whitecoat seal pups was banned in 1987. Thanks to people like you speaking out, the seal hunt was slowly dying off through the 1980s until the Canadian government began seal meat subsidies and set quotas allowing the slaughter of over a quarter million seals every year.
That’s why I need you to speak out now one more time. Simply hit Reply to this email and then click Send and we’ll automatically send the message below on your behalf:
Dear Ambassador McKenna,
I am deeply opposed to Canada’s plan to slaughter nearly one million seals over three years - the highest quota in history. The vast majority of these animals (95%) are less than three months old and completely defenseless.
This deliberate plan to reduce the seal population through hidden subsidies and unethical killing methods is completely without scientific justification. Continuing to ignore the inexcusable cruelty and waste inherent in this annual “hunt” is simply wrong.
It is long past time for the Canadian government to act upon the wishes of the compassionate majority that is completely opposed to this hunt. Please act immediately to end this unnecessary abuse.
Pusparini Askandar
Thanks for all you do,
Fred O’Regan
President and CEO
P.S. Looking for more ways to help? Please consider writing a letter to the editor of your local newspaper speaking out against the seal hunt. Also be sure to forward this message to as many friends as possible. It is critical that as many people as possible speak out right now while the slaughter of baby seals continues.
I put a link di sebelah kanan bawah, if any of you guys mau donate :)
trusny, kalo mau dapet this kinda e-mail, subscribe ke IFAW
Woke up today, doing my rituals. Turn on the computer and this e-mail just struck me. Then it was dolphin, now its seal for crying out loud! And its just two weeks old!
This is the e-mail
To send your seal hunt protest letter to the Canadian ambassador, simply Reply to this message and hit Send
Speak Out for Seals Now With Just One Click
Dear Pusparini,
You probably already know that right now off the ice floes of Eastern Canada, hundreds of thousands of baby seals as young as 12 days of age are being clubbed or shot to death without mercy.
As I write this, one of nature’s greatest spectacles is being overrun by seal hunters wielding wooden bats, rifles and hakapiks — a type of spiked club. The seal pups, awkward and slow, try to flee without hope of escape.
Sealers run across the ice and club each baby seal once on the head, then flip the seal on its back to remove its pelt with a knife. Too often, the baby seal struggles against the knife and is clubbed several more times until dead.
I wanted to give you an update on the events of this year’s seal hunt, and let you know what our next steps are in stopping this cruel and senseless practice.
Why does Canada still hunt two-week-old seal pups?


The simple answer is profit. If seal pelts were not valuable; seals would not be killed. The greed of a select few has turned one of the world’s most precious natural heritages into a virtual slaughterhouse.
Last week Canada’s Department of Fisheries and Oceans announced its intention to continue reducing the entire harp seal population by up to a third ... without scientific justification. The greedy incentive to maximize profit by killing as many animals as possible, as quickly as possible, is not only cruel and disrespectful to our natural heritage, it has the dangerous potential to push harp seals down the road to extinction.
Canada’s government is counting on your silence
The brutal and irresponsible nature of the hunt is at great odds with Canada’s reputation as a civilized, progressive country.
I know that like me, you look forward to a day where the Canadian government, the fur industry and others who are fueling the killing of baby seals realize that seals are worth more than just the price of their pelts.
That’s why I want to urge you to speak out right now to tell the new Canadian Ambassador to the US Frank McKenna that the rest of the world will no longer stand for such a cruel and senseless hunt. Let’s send him a welcome message he’ll never forget!
I cannot stress enough how much your voice makes a difference. Thanks to a worldwide outcry spurred by IFAW in the 1970s, the commercial killing of whitecoat seal pups was banned in 1987. Thanks to people like you speaking out, the seal hunt was slowly dying off through the 1980s until the Canadian government began seal meat subsidies and set quotas allowing the slaughter of over a quarter million seals every year.
That’s why I need you to speak out now one more time. Simply hit Reply to this email and then click Send and we’ll automatically send the message below on your behalf:
Dear Ambassador McKenna,
I am deeply opposed to Canada’s plan to slaughter nearly one million seals over three years - the highest quota in history. The vast majority of these animals (95%) are less than three months old and completely defenseless.
This deliberate plan to reduce the seal population through hidden subsidies and unethical killing methods is completely without scientific justification. Continuing to ignore the inexcusable cruelty and waste inherent in this annual “hunt” is simply wrong.
It is long past time for the Canadian government to act upon the wishes of the compassionate majority that is completely opposed to this hunt. Please act immediately to end this unnecessary abuse.
Pusparini Askandar
Thanks for all you do,
Fred O’Regan
President and CEO
P.S. Looking for more ways to help? Please consider writing a letter to the editor of your local newspaper speaking out against the seal hunt. Also be sure to forward this message to as many friends as possible. It is critical that as many people as possible speak out right now while the slaughter of baby seals continues.
I put a link di sebelah kanan bawah, if any of you guys mau donate :)
trusny, kalo mau dapet this kinda e-mail, subscribe ke IFAW