Wednesday, March 29, 2006

kring kring

udh jam 6.06 pagi
pengen nelpon orang..
siapa ya?

Sunday, March 26, 2006


duh duh duh.
siapa ini hayo??

*udah jelas judulny shinta :p*

nemu foto ini njen. trus kalo dilihat2.. you're NOT that "djo" after all. disini kamu khan cewek banget :D

ada lagi lho!

ini taun 2003. pas lagi pijamas party dirumah admiraal.
kangen taun itu =/

niwes, udah nemu foto kta yg burger king style belum????
ntar biar bsa di apdet :p

Saturday, March 25, 2006

dum di dam di dum

I'm a war
of head versus heart
my head is weak.. my heart always speaks.
la.. la.. lalala.. (8)
I lv this song

Wednesday, March 22, 2006


so dont let the world bring you down
not everyone here is that fucked up and cold
remember why you came
and while you're alive
experience the warmth
before you go
incubus - the warmth
sigh.. kalo lagi capek sie ya capek aja.
sumtimes people just let you down
and youre tired picking yourself up =/
pengen ke alaska. liat aurora.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

dance dance

get it??

pacarku lucu sekali! :p
*memuji pacar sendiri*

Oh ya ya, strip yg lainny bisa dilihat disini :D
3 columns
3 columns pt 2
arse matter
playing tennis

hehehehehheheh :D

Sunday, March 12, 2006

sushi-suicide and afterlife

semoga ntar pas sushi-suicide kita udah sembuh.
panas sie akhirny udah turun..
tapi sampe skarang ini batuk sama pilek ngga reda2.
makan juga jadi ngga ada rasany :(

oh sushi..
kita pngen sembuh!

Thursday, March 09, 2006

... i will follow you into the dark

the concert was great!
the audience was great. There are two nerds right besides me. A couple who's been kissing all the time, baru jadiankah :p??. An old couple?? standing in the center balcony and two other old couple and my guess was that they are gay :p. trus disebelah kanan ada mba nin dan disebelah dia there is the odd guy, who doesnt really enjoy the music (I guess, soalny dia diem aja dan ngerekam) dan disebelah dia ada mbak yg jingkrak2 mulu dan apal semua lirikny. Men, ak sampe takut itu balcony bakal jatuh :p
dan mbak jingkrak2 itu ternyata temenny mas odd itu.
the musics were also great!

the only thing that isnt great was my butt!
sakit! kaya habis diimunisasi :s
I dont know why. sampe akhirny bertanya2 selama konser. what is wrong with you butt!?
mau duduk but I wanted to see them playing.
jadi ditahan2lah itu pantat sakit.
dan jadi ngga konsen. mau ikutan nyanyi.. yang ada cuma "pantaaatt.. sakiitt"
and I was complaining all the time to mba nin. poor her, lagi mengamati mas ben, tau2 me bilang "pantat sakit" (-_-")
tapi akhirnya satu lagu terakhir aku udah ngga tahan lagi. akhirny ak duduk. fiuuh, lega :D

pulang2 aku udah nyiapin iPodku, full of their songs! :p
sepanjang jalan nyanyi

ouuwgh, jadi tak sabar lihat Yeah Yeah Yeahs. tpi masih mei :p
dan skarang aku sakit v_v

Wednesday, March 08, 2006


I'm julie
Hopefully I'm not.
But right now.. I feel like I'm just julie.

Monday, March 06, 2006

what a wonderful world!

I could eat you alive, taro!! >_< lutuuuuu!!

Si coklat yg juga luutuuu! Ihh.. gemas gemas :D

Friday, March 03, 2006

slmt ulng taun

happy birthday
yes.. happy birthday.
not to you
to everybody else who's hving their bday today.
but not to you
not to you anymore